10-15 Heart Anatomy Review

Objective(s):After this unit, student should be able to:

C.1.a  Sketch a heart [Anatomy]

C.1.b  Label a drawing of a heart (according to p 330 in textbook) [Anatomy]

C.1.c  Using diagrams, explain how heart valves function to keep blood moving in only one direction "automatically." [Function] 

C.1.z  Vocab

C.2.a  Describe the direction of blood flow through the heart [Anatomy; Systems]

C.2.b  Identify where blood goes when it leaves the heart and where blood come from when it returns to the heart [Systems]

C.2.c  Explain the role of blood in providing nutrients nd removing wastes

C.2.d  Identify major nutrients and wastes. 

C.2.z  Vocab

C.3.a  Compare 3 muscle types:  smooth, skeletal and cardiac [Anatomy]

C.3.b  Describe the general role of electricity in muscle function [Function]

C.3.c  Describe electrical stimulation of the heart by naming relevant structures and describing their function in signal transmission and muscle stimulation

C.3.d  Explain why transmitting stimulations for contraction smoothly over the heart from the SA node to the bottom of the ventricles would prevent efficient pumping.

C.3.e  Interpret ECG by describing (1) heart anatomy, (2) electrical stimulation, (3) muscle contraction and (4) blood flow 

C.3.z  Vocab

C.4.a  Describe function of blood

C.4.b  Describe structure to function relationship in arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins

C.4.c  Describe role of oxygen, carbon dioxide and glucose in organisms in general terms

C.4.d  Based on location (ie. muscle/intestine/lung/brain), explain whether oxygen/carbon dioxide/glucose are moving from tissue into blood or vice versa.

C.4.z  Vocab: artery, arteriole, vein, venule, capillary, lumen

C.5.a  Draw and label fish or amphibian heart

C.5.b  Explain structural differences between fish/amphibian and human hearts.

Last Class:

Begin with new textbook.  Students read p 64-70


Today's Lesson:

  1. Check to see if students read textbook
  2. Review heart anatomy
    1. comment on variable names
  3. Identify structure to function descriptions in reading assignment
  4. Student place link on this page to a diagram or movie of a ...
    1. Fish heart (Jay Reimer)
    2. Fish heart (Rachel Shin)
    3. Amphibian heart (Diane Kim)
    4. Fish heart (Hilary Sang)
    5. Fish heart (Christina Lee)
    6. Amphibian heart (Alex Lee)



  1. Students find a movie (YouTube) or site (internet) which clearly identifies anatomy of fish heart of amphibian heart
    1. Student place link on this page like example above
  2. Student draw a human heart and a fish (or amphibian) heart on the same side of the same piece of A4 or A3 paper.
    1. Label human heart with all structure names from THIS textbook
    2. Label fish/amphibian heart with structure names from movie/webpage
  3. On every valve on p.70, label:
    1. identify the structure which blood is in before passing through the valve
    2. identify the structure which blood is in after passing through the valve
  4. Label diagrams on p 71 - 72
    1. where structure has multiple names, list ALL applicable names